Types of Crawling and How to Help Your Baby Crawl


Understanding Crawling Styles

Crawling is an essential developmental milestone, marking your baby’s growing strength, coordination, and mobility. Babies may display various crawling styles, each contributing uniquely to their development:

  1. Classic Hands-and-Knees Crawl
    • The baby moves forward using alternate hands and knees, a standard form of crawling.
  2. Commando Crawl
    • The baby uses their arms to drag their body forward while lying on their tummy.
  3. Bear Crawl
    • The baby keeps their knees off the ground, using hands and feet for movement.
  4. Crab Crawl
    • The baby moves sideways or backward, resembling a crab’s motion.
  5. Rolling Crawl
    • Instead of crawling, the baby rolls over repeatedly to reach a destination.
  6. Scoot Crawl
    • The baby moves by sliding on their bottom instead of hands and knees.

How to Help Your Baby Crawl

  1. Encourage Tummy Time
    Tummy time strengthens the neck, shoulders, and core muscles essential for crawling. Start with a few minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration.
  2. Motivate with Toys
    Place toys just out of reach to encourage your baby to move toward them. Bright, interactive toys can be especially effective.
  3. Guide Movements
    Support your baby’s body gently to guide their hands and knees into a crawling position. Repeat the motion to help build muscle memory.
  4. Create a Safe Space
    Ensure a soft, clutter-free area where your baby can explore without risk. Placing different textures on the surface can also stimulate sensory exploration.
  5. Interactive Play
    Crawl alongside your baby to demonstrate the motion and encourage imitation.

For more guidance on helping your baby crawl, visit our growth and developmental assessment page.

When to Consult to take Help My Baby Crawl

If your baby shows no signs of crawling by 10 months or skips crawling entirely, consult a pediatrician. Early assessment can identify underlying issues and offer solutions.

Call now to book an appointment with Dr. Vinit Mehta at Aashrey Child Clinic in Vadodara.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When should my baby start crawling?
A: Most babies begin crawling between 6 to 10 months.

Q: Is skipping crawling a concern?
A: Not always, but if your baby skips crawling and moves directly to walking, consult a pediatrician to ensure proper muscle development.

Q: How much tummy time is necessary?
A: Start with 2-3 minutes daily, gradually increasing to 20-30 minutes as your baby grows stronger.

External Resources

Support your baby’s development with the right techniques and care. For expert advice, contact Dr. Vinit Mehta at +918347990180 today!