Poor Growth in Infants

If you feel your child is not growing at rate which he/she should grow,you should consult a paediatrician. Some of the symptoms of not growing are being underweight, looks shorter than other children, being skinny etc. Poor Growth can be due to various reasons, eg. not having proper nutrition in diet, thyroid, getting sick again and again, digestion etc.

Sometimes poor growth is not a major concern and children start growing at normal rate after some time but other times there is a cause/disease which need to be treated. Your paediatrician is best person to tell why your child is having poor growth and what can be done to normalise it. You should consult your paediatrician as soon as you suspect your child has poor growth.

Your pediatrician can order some blood test or xray etc to check bone growth or to diagnose cause of poor growth. He may recommend some supplements and change in diet if he suspect that poor growth is due to nutrition issue. Some medicines can be prescribed in case any other disease is causing poor growth.

Outlook for children with poor growth is usually good. Timely treatment and following doctor advice strictly usually improve outcome . So you should consult pediatrician as soon as you suspect poor growth among children. Dr Vinit Mehta is best Child Specialist in Vadodara. He also offers online consultation.

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